I am a student of Joseph Campbell and Giles Deleuze and a practitoner of yoga. What fascinates me is the idea of the mind and body working in unison. I experience this in the act of artmaking. The contradiction in Western philosophy based on Descartes' model of the mind superior to and seperate from the nature of the body is confounding. In our technologically advanced society the seperation from our organic root is evident. Our bodies have become "projects ", our computers are our portals to intimate relationships and we are distanced from those who actually perform the labor that supplies our lifestyles both actually and conceptually. My work often addresses issues of the aura of the object, the ephemeral thought that conceives art, and societal disconnection from the actual labor necessary to create physical work.
MFA in Digital Media from the University of Florida, BFA in Painting from the University of New Orleans


Samples of my work in traditional animation and digital video used in art intallations. In order of appearance: Grief, Sens, Caribou Development for Special Project, Digital Video for Veil piece; 12 cycle animation used in the zoetrope created for Fabrication, Part One; Digital Video projected onto Fabrication, Part Two.

Recent Works

Recent Works
Shadows Series: Shadows4_08 Shadows5_08


Figure Drawing 08

Figure Drawing 08

Graduate School 2004-2007

Graduate School 2004-2007
Water Soluble Ink Drawings

Three tone marker drawings

Colerase Pencil Series Reflections of Self

Experimentation creating imagery in Photoshop then translating to drawing

Experimentation creating imagery in Photoshop then translating to drawing
This was part of a larger project exploring the use of shadow

Photoshop Collage

Photoshop Collage
The project theme was exploring a place, Geneva's Antique Village and Trading Place

Here my goal is to integrate the physical craft with the ephemeral concept using projection and object.

Thesis 2007

Thesis 2007

The images on top are in the barrel of the machine. As the viewer grasps the arms of the doll and turns, the barrel spins and the images animate. Pulleys are attached to a knitting machine which processes knitted material as a result of the viewer's interaction with the machine.

The knitted fabric is a numerical sequence based on the number 72, the standard dpi for digital media. Projected onto the cloth is a documentation of the knitting process. The piece remains unfinished and reflects on the nature of unrecognized labor, tedious and repetitive.

This video is also based on the number 72. There are 72 labels held for 72 frames each. The "made in" labels reflect a global Third World workforce that makes the items we wear daily.

Professional Development 1989-2004

Professional Development 1989-2004

These drawings were created in studio sponsored drawing classes during my career as an animation artist.

While working in the Layout Department I had opportunity to create Maya models for artists' reference.

Here I am demonstrating the cross utilization of sculpting skills in hand and digital environments.
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