I am a student of Joseph Campbell and Giles Deleuze and a practitoner of yoga. What fascinates me is the idea of the mind and body working in unison. I experience this in the act of artmaking. The contradiction in Western philosophy based on Descartes' model of the mind superior to and seperate from the nature of the body is confounding. In our technologically advanced society the seperation from our organic root is evident. Our bodies have become "projects ", our computers are our portals to intimate relationships and we are distanced from those who actually perform the labor that supplies our lifestyles both actually and conceptually. My work often addresses issues of the aura of the object, the ephemeral thought that conceives art, and societal disconnection from the actual labor necessary to create physical work.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7620125609893329877&pr=goog-sl Samples of my work in traditional animation and digital video used in art intallations. In order of appearance: Grief, Sens, Caribou Development for Special Project, Digital Video for Veil piece; 12 cycle animation used in the zoetrope created for Fabrication, Part One; Digital Video projected onto Fabrication, Part Two.